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时间:2022-01-17 14:51:47 浏览量:

1.A . The man keeps interrupting her

B . She finds it too hard

C . She"s worried about the seminar

D . She lacks interest in it

提交的答案:She lacks interest in it

正确答案:She lacks interest in it


2.A . The course is poorly designed

B . She enjoys literature more

C . The lecturers are boring

D . She prefers Philosophy to English

提交的答案:She prefers Philosophy to English

正确答案:She prefers Philosophy to English


3.A . Karen"s friend

B . Karen herself

C . Karen"s parents

D . Karen"s lecturers

提交的答案:Karen"s parents

正确答案:Karen"s parents


4.A . Leaving the university

B . Getting transferred to the English Department

C . Changing her major

D . Spending less of her parents" money

提交的答案:Changing her major

正确答案:Changing her major


1.A . Writing papers for his classes.

B . Working overtime as a librarian.

C . Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.

D . Meeting with his professors.

正确答案: Meeting with his professors.

题目详解:这道题的关键在于把握对话中反复出现的paper(论文)一次。M与W所讨论的话题一直围绕着写论文而展开,不难判断,M一直在忙着写论文,正确答案为[Writing pap ers for his classes.]

2.A . Spend more time in the library.

B . Drop one of his courses.

C . Do his research on closely related topics.

D . Write just one paper for all his classes.

正确答案:Do his research on closely related topics.

题目详解:W建议M选择一个主题,然后分别写三个不同的方面,完成三篇论文。与之意思最接近的是[Do his research on closely related topics.]

3.A . She"s been studying it recently.

B . She once wrote about it.

C . She thinks the man should write about it.

D . She particularly likes Romantic poetry.

正确答案: She particularly likes Romantic poetry.

题目详解:W在给M建议时提到围绕浪漫主义,写一篇侧重点不同的论文,因此选[She thi nks the man should write about it],其他没有涉及。

4.A . He"s already helped her enough.

B . He doesn"t know enough chemistry.

C . She knows he"s very busy.

D . She doesn"t need any help.

正确答案:He doesn"t know enough chemistry.

题目详解:W没有让M帮她写化学实验是因为M从来没有上过化学课(take chemistry),恐怕W对M帮忙的结果不满意,因此选[He doesn"t know enough chemistry.]



1.A . Some teaching assistants don"t have desks.

B . Office supplies are taking up space.

C . There is too much noise.

D . There aren"t enough cabinets.

正确答案:There is too much noise.

题目详解:M在解释自己很少待在办公室的原因时说道,办公室里太吵了,让他无法工作。W说这正是她所要谈论的问题,可见,他们在讨论关于办公室里太吵的问题,因此选[The re is too much noise.]。

2.A . To hand in their assignment.

B . To chat with Jack socially.

C . To get help in the course.

D . To practice giving interviews.

正确答案:To get help in the course.

题目详解:文章里共有两次提到Jack的学生来找他的目的是为了获得他在这门课程方面的帮助(“Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course”;“We can"t reall y ask him to stop having students come in for help”),考生只需要听懂其中一处,即可选出正确答案。

3.A . Complain to the department head.

B . Move the supplies to the storage room.

C . Try to get a room to use for meeting.

D . Give Jack a different office.

正确答案:Try to get a room to use for meeting.

题目详解:Stan认为他们不能直接要求Jack不让学生过来寻求帮助,于是提出再要一间会议室(meeting room),这样学生来了之后可以在这间会议室里与老师谈话,因此选[Try to get a room to use for meeting.]。

4.A . They"d have to get permission.

B . The other assistants should be consulted.

C . She thinks it might work.

D . Jack wouldn"t like it.

正确答案:She thinks it might work.

题目详解:考生需要在听完了全文之后才能正确解答这道题。对于Stan的建议,Cathy 最初并不赞同,认为储藏室太小了,不适合当会议室。但Stan说,如果把里面的橱柜搬走,房间看起来会大一些。Cathy随后也改变了最初的想法,认为这一建议可能可行,并准备去亲眼看看,因此正确答案应该是[She thinks it might work.]。



1.A . Relaxing at the seashore.

B . Preparing for a race.

C . Sailing on a boat.

D . Visiting her parents.

正确答案:Relaxing at the seashore.


2.A . She had an appointment.

B . She has school work to do.

C . She was invited only for the weekend.

D . The weather was too hot.

正确答案: She was invited only for the weekend.

题目详解:考生需要听出“have a paper I need to work on”(有一篇论文要写),可见,W 之所以这么早回来是为了这篇论文,因此选[She has school work to do.]

3.A . She was too tired to continue.

B . She had to finish her schoolwork.

C . She was thirsty.

D . She had to go home.

正确答案: She was thirsty.

题目详解:从“how hard it is to run on the sand”(在沙子上面跑是一件多么困难的事)以及“had to sit down”(不得不坐下来)可以推断出,W之所以停止打排球是因为他实在太累了。

4.A . The water was too cold.

B . She doesn"t know how to swim.

C . She didn"t have enough time.

D . The water was too deep.

正确答案: She didn"t have enough time.

题目详解:W说自己本来想游泳,但是他们告诉她说水不够暖和,不能游泳,The water wa s too cold与之意思相近。



1.A . Whit a knife.

B . On some glass.

C . On the edge of some metal.

D . On a piece of paper.

正确答案:On a piece of paper.

题目详解:在对话一开始,W问M是不是把自己割伤了,M回答说是的,被这张纸的边缘割伤了(on the edge of this paper),因此正确答案是[On a piece of paper.]

2.A . How easily he was cut.

B . How concerned the woman was.

C . How deep the cut was.

D . How much the cut hurt.

正确答案:How much the cut hurt.

题目详解:“How can such a little cut hurt so much?”意思是“这么小的一个伤口怎么会这么疼?”“such”和“so”这两个表示程度的副词表达了M的惊讶之情。因此正确答案是[How mu ch the cut hurt.]

3.A . The amount of bleeding.

B . The number of nerve endings irritated.

C . The amount of skin affected by the cut.

D . The cause of the cut.

正确答案:The number of nerve endings irritated.


4.A . Take a pain reliever.

B . Go to a doctor.

C . Let the cut dry out.

D . Keep the cut closed.

正确答案:Keep the cut closed.

题目详解:W给M的建议是:“Go get yourself a bandage.”(给你自己绑上一个绷带。)与之意思相近的是[Keep the cut closed.]



1.A . To renew his housing contract.

B . To get information about special housing.

C . To make an appointment to look at a house.

D . To ask about getting a loan to buy a house.

正确答案:To get information about special housing.

题目详解:这是一段电话对话,一般来说,打电话的人会在一开始就阐明自己打电话的目的。如果考生听懂了M在刚开始时所说的母的是要询问关于为研究生准备的有资助的(subsidiz ed)低成本住房,就不能选择出正确答案To get information about special housing。选择T o make an appointment to look at a house具有一定的迷惑性,因为M与W确实在电话中做了预约,考生需要听懂他们预约是为了使M获得详细的信息,而不是为了看房。

2.A . With his grandparents.

B . With his wife"s parents.

C . In his own apartment.

D . In student housing.

正确答案: In his own apartment.

题目详解:在谈到申请住房者必须符合收入条件时,M提到自己现在正与妻子的父母住在一起,因此这道题的正确答案是[With his wife"s parents.]

3.A . His wife is a graduate student.

B . He works at the university housing office.

C . He is a fulltime student.

D . He has more than one child.

正确答案: He has more than one child.


4.A . He plans to go back to graduate school.

B . He thinks his rent is too high.

C . He"s looking for a fulltime job.

D . He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.

正确答案:He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.


1. What do tourists enjoy doing in Cambridge for relaxation?

A . Watching traditional plays

B . Visiting the magnificent libraries

C . Boating on the river. Boating on the river.

D . Cycling in narrow streets.

正确答案:Boating on the river. Boating on the river.

题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是"从事的娱乐活动",从听到的第5句中"boating in a kind of flat bottom boat to see the colleges or to relax themselves"断出,选项中的"Boating on the river"与本题含义相符。

2. What does the road traffic in Cambridge remind one of Beijing?

A . There are many students there.

B . There are many bicycles there.

C . There are many old streets there.

D . There are many visitors there.

正确答案: There are many visitors there.

题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是"某种存在的现象"。从听到的第六句中"the streets are full of bicycles"判断出,选项中的"There are many bicycles there"与本题含义相符。

3. What is the speaker"s impression of Cambridge?

A . He thinks the streets are too narrow.

B . He likes the place very much .

C . He admires the comfortable life of the students there.

D . He thinks the city is too crowded.

正确答案: He admires the comfortable life of the students there..

题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是"某种事物给人们留下的印象"。从听到的第2句中"it is one of the most beautiful places in Britain"判断出,选项中的"He likes the place very much"与本题含义相符。



1. Why did Mr. Foster add stories about interesting people to the magazine "World News "?

A . He was good at writing about interesting people .

B . He believed people are easier to know others

C . He believed that people are always easier to learn about other people.

D . He thought people played an important role in world events.

正确答案:He believed people are easier to know others


句中" he believed all people like to read about other people"判断出,选项中的"He believe d that people are always easier to learn about other people."与本题含义相符。

2. Which magazine is a sports fan most likely to buy?

A . World News.

B . Action.

C . Faces and places.

D . Enterprise.


题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是杂志的名称。从听力短文第8句中"Acti on" for sports fans"的提示,判断出选项中的"Action"与本题含义相符。

3. What is Mr. Foster"s profession?

A . He is a photographer

B . He is a publisher

C . He is a sportsman.

D . he is an actor.

正确答案:He is a publisher

题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是…从事的职业?。从短文中开头第一句中" Mr. Ford started his publishing business with only one magazine"的提示,判断出选项中的" He is a publisher "与题义相符。

1.How far is the nearest distance between England and France?

A . Twelve miles.

B . Thirty-two miles.

C . Forty miles.

D . Twenty miles.

正确答案:foerty miles.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是两地之间的距离;从听力短文第1段第2句中的…only about twenty miles,?判断出,选项中的…Twenty miles?符合提问含义。

2.Who made a new record in crossing the Channel in 1960?

A . An Egyptian.

B . A Canadian.

C . An Englishman.

D . A Frenchman.

正确答案:A frenchman.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事中涉及到的人物;从听力短文第2段最后一句中的…a Canadian crossed in 10 hours and 23 minute s, thus making a new record?判断出,选项中的…A Canadian?符合提问含义。

3.When did Captain Webb first swim across the Channel?

A . Late last century.

B . Early last century.

C . Middle of this century.

D . Early this century.

正确答案:Early this century.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的时间;从听力短文第2段第2句中的…This was in August 1875?判断出,选项中的…Early last century?符合提问含义。



1.Which of the following does Mary not do?

A . Working late at home.

B . Typing letters.

C . Making arrangements.

D . Answering phones.

正确答案: Answering phones.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是主人公的工作范围;从听力短文中描述的…type letters, answer the phone and make appointments?判断出,选项中的…Wo rking late at home?符合提问含义。

2.What"s the major reason that Mary loves her job?

A . She goes to lunch with her boss.

B . She can meet new people every day.

C . She makes arrangements without her boss.

D . She does a little routine work.

正确答案: She makes arrangements without her boss.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是对目前职业的兴趣;从听力短文第6句中的…she really loves her job. She meets new people everyday?判断出,选项中的…She can meet new people every day?符合提问含义。

3.Which of the following is true of Mary"s boss?

A . He always entertains his guests at home.

B . He often goes abroad with Mary.

C . He is not very satisfied with Mary.

D . He had a successful start on his business.

正确答案: He is not very satisfied with Mary.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是对故事中人物的评论;从听力短文最后一句中的…When her boss goes abroad, she makes the arrangements and oft en t ravels with him?判断出,选项中的…He often goes abroad with Mary?符合提问含义。



1.Who lived with Mrs. Brown?

A . Her grandfather.

B . Her husband"s grandfather.

C . Her father.

D . Her husband"s father.

正确答案: Her father.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是人物关系;从听力短文第1段第1句中的…Mrs.Brown"s old grandfather lived with her?判断出,选项中的…Her grandfath er?符合提问含义。

2.Which of the following is true?

A . The old man didn"t have a clear mind.

B . The old man telephoned the police for help.

C . The old man lost his way.

D . One afternoon a police car came to Mrs. Brown"s house.

正确答案: One afternoon a police car came to Mrs. Brown"s house.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事中发生的事件;从听力短文第2段第2句中的…Th e poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned u s for help?判断出,选项中的…The old man telephoned the police for help?符合提问含义。

3.Why did the old man go back home in a police car?

A . He caused some trouble.

B . His daughter wanted him to be back home soon.

C . He cleverly avoided walking home.

D . He got tired and was unable to walk.

正确答案: He got tired and was unable to walk.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的原因;从听力短文第4段第1句中的…I just got tired and I didn"t want to walk home!?判断出,选项中的…H e cleverly avoid ed walking home?符合提问含义。



1.When does Mrs. Smith buy a new hat?

A . Whenever she does shopping.

B . In winter.

C . Whenever she goes to town.

D . In spring.

正确答案: In winter.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的时间;从听力短文第1段第1句中的…she always buys a new one every spring?判断出,选项中的…In spring?符合提问含义。

2.What"s the fun of the story about Mrs. Smith?

A . The sales lady put more than one hat on her head.

B . The hat she intended to buy turned out to be hers.

C . She likes buying hats even though she is old.

D . The sales lady offered her so many hats.

正确答案: She likes buying hats even though she is old

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事中的一个幽默情节;从听力短文第4段第1句中的…but this is your hat. You came into the shop with it.?判断出,选项中的…The hat she intended to buy turned out to be hers?符合提问含义。

3.Where do you think Mrs. Smith lives?

A . In a big city.

B . In the countryside.

C . In a small town.

D . In a big city..

正确答案:In the countryside.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是地址;从听力短文第2段第1句中的…I"m going to town today?判断出,选项中的…In the countryside?符合提问含义。



1.What was earliest American architecture mainly based on according to the passage?

A . Entirely new techniques.

B . A variety of construction techniques.

C . Imitation of historical styles.

D . Clever inventions of architects.

正确答案: Entirely new techniques.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事发生的背景;从听力短文第1句中的…began as imitation of what the early settlers were familiar with?判断出,选项中的…Imitation of historical styles?符合提问含义。

2.What were the uses of high fireplaces?

A . For airing and warmth.

B . For cooking and safety.

C . For keeping out winds.

D . For cooking and heating.

正确答案: For cooking and safety.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是某件物品的作用;从听力短文第4句中的…high fireplace used for cooking as well as for heat?判断出,选项中的…For c ooking and heating?符合提问含义。

3.Why were the houses of early settlers placed close together?

A . For easier reach.

B . For convenience

C . For a good style.

D . For safety.

正确答案: For a good style.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的原因;从听力短文第6句中的…were placed close together for safety?判断出,选项中的…For safety?符合提问




1.What was discussed at a regular town meeting?

A . Property ownership.

B . The procedures of church ceremonies.

C . The systems of local government.

D . Community matters.

正确答案: Property ownership.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是主人公要处理的问题;从听力短文第1段第2句中的…where they would discuss local problems and express opinions fr eely?判断出,选项中的…Community matters?符合提问含义。

2.Who actually voted in the 18th century town meetings?

A . All the male church members.

B . The men who were property owners and church members.

C . All the citizens who were present at the meeting.

D . All of the property owners.

正确答案: All the citizens who were present at the meeting.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是做某件事的人;从听力短文第2段第1句中的…only men wh o owned property and who were church members actually voted?判断出,选项中的…The men who were property owners and church members.?符合提问含义。

3.Why was the town meeting a good idea?

A . It"s a good chance for people to gather together.

B . It"s a special annual get-together.

C . It"s a democratic way of government.

D . It"s a grand occasion for the townsfolk.

正确答案: It"s a good chance for people to gather together.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是做某件事情的原因;从听力短文第3段第3句中的…give an opportunity for free and open discussion on c urrent town p roblems and politics.?判断出,选项中的…It"s a democratic way of government?符合提问含义。



1.What is the main topic of this talk?

A . Children"s love for pets.

B . keep pets at home.

C . Problems of elderly people.

D . Animal diseases.

正确答案: Animal diseases.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事描述的主题;从听力短文第1段第1句中的…keep pets at home?判断出,选项中的…keep pets at home?符合提问含义。

2.What kinds of people like to keep pets?

A . Small babies.

B . Children and elderly people.

C . Adults.

D . Biology students.

正确答案: Small babies.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是养宠物的人的类型;从听力短文第1段第3句中的…are children and elderly people?判断出,选项中的…Children and eld erly people?符合提问含义。

3.What is the most important reason for people to keep dogs and cats as pets?

A . They are easy to look after

B . They may return gentle love.

C . They provide company.

D . They are clean.

正确答案: They are easy to look after

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的原因;从听力短文第1段第2句中的…mainly to provide friendly company and amusement?判断出,选项中的…They provide company?符合提问含义。



1.When did the explosion take place?

A . In June, 1964.

B . In July, 1946.

C . In June, 1946.

D . In July, 1964.

正确答案:In July, 1964.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的时间;从听力短文第1段第4句中的…It was 9:00 a.m. on 24th, July, 1946?判断出,选项中的…In July, 194 6?符合提问含义。

2.Who was James Cameron?

A . A traveler.

B . A reporter.

C . A scientist.

D . A novelist.

正确答案:A novelist.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是人物身份;从听力短文第1段第1句中的…one of the most famous journalists?判断出,选项中的…A reporter?符合提问含义。

3.What did they all see?

A . A huge flying cloud over the Atlantic.

B . America"s first peacetime armed attack.

C . A bomb explosion in America.

D . America"s first peacetime atomic energy test

正确答案: A bomb explosion in America

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事情节;从听力短文第2段第2句中的…America"s first peacetime atomic energy test?判断出,选项中的…America"s fir st peacetime atomic en ergy test?符合提问含义。



1.What is the main topic of this talk?

A . Animal diseases.

B . Children"s love for pets.

C . keep pets at home.

D . Problems of elderly people.

正确答案: Problems of elderly people

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事描述的主题;从听力短文第1段第1句中的…keep pets at home?判断出,选项中的…keep pets at home?符合提问含义。

2.What kinds of people like to keep pets?

A . Small babies.

B . Children and elderly people.

C . Biology students.

D . Adults.

正确答案: Small babies..

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是养宠物的人的类型;从听力短文第1段第3句中的…are children and elderly people?判断出,选项中的…Children and eld erly people?符合提问含义。

3.What is the most important reason for people to keep dogs and cats as pets?

A . They may return gentle love.

B . They are easy to look after

C . They provide company.

D . They are clean.

正确答案: They are easy to look after.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的原因;从听力短文第1段第2句中的…mainly to provide friendly company and amusement?判断出,选项中的…They provide company?符合提问含义。



1.A . Painter.

B . Doorkeeper.

C . Guide.

D . Teacher.

正确答案: Painter


2.A . He can"t afford to play for four hours a day.

B . He will spare no efforts to improve his English.

C . He is rejecting the woman"s advice.

D . He finds it easy to improve his English.

正确答案: He finds it easy to improve his English.


3.A . She quite agrees with the man.

B . She won"t have any holidays in March.

C . she regards the man"s opinion as nonsense.

D . she can"t go to Austria for her holiday.

正确答案: she can"t go to Austria for her holiday..


4.A . In a restaurant.

B . In a butcher"s shop.

C . in a car factory.

D . at a bus station.

正确答案: at a bus station.


5.A . The man is asking the woman for a few cigarettes.

B . The woman thinks that the man can stop smoking by trying to cut down gradually.

C . The woman regards the an as a heavy smoker.

D . The man wants to know whether it is good to smoke one cigarette a day.

正确答案: The woman regards the an as a heavy smoker

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. M:Please come this way, ladies and gentlemen. In the next roo m we have a special showing of modern paintings. W:I didn"t know about the modern paintings. How long have they been here? Q:What most probably is the man"s occupati on? 2. W:Now, you want to improve your English. If I were you, I"d study for four ho urs every night. M:That"s easier said than done. You see, I haven"t got that much time to spare. Q:What do you know about the man from this conversation? 3. M:As far a s I"m concerned, there"s no better month for a winter holiday in Austria than March. W:I couldn"t agree more. Q:What does the woman mean? 4. W:This beef has a very go od flavor. M:Yes, they do have good beef here. It"s well hung before it"s cut up. That"s

the secret. Q:Where does this conversation most probably take place? 5. M:Have yo u got any ideas on how to give up smoking? W:Well, I think the best thing is to smo ke one cigarette fewer everyday until you get to zero. Q:What can you conclude from t his conversation?



1.A . The man wants to attend tomorrow"s show.

B . The man doesn"t want to attend tomorrow"s show.

C . There aren"t any tickets left for tonight"s show.

D . There aren"t any tickets left for tomorrow"s show.

正确答案: The man doesn"t want to attend tomorrow"s show..


2.A . Detective stories.

B . Love stories.

C . Stories about jail escapes.

D . Stories about royal families.

正确答案: Stories about royal families..


3.A . It was interesting and easy to follow.

B . It was as difficult as she had expected.

C . It was not as easy as she had thought.

D . It was a long lecture, but easy to understand.

正确答案: It was interesting and easy to follow..


4.A . To arrange an appointment for him with the director.

B . To put him through to the director.

C . To have a talk with the director about his work.

D . To go and see if the director can meet him right now.

正确答案: To go and see if the director can meet him right now.


5.A . Margaret wanted to lend some magazines to the woman.

B . Margaret wanted to get some magazines back from the woman.

C . Margaret wanted to borrow some magazines from the woman.

D . Margaret wanted to return some magazines to the woman.

正确答案: Margaret wanted to return some magazines to the woman.

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. M:1 would like two tickets for the 9 o"clock show this evening. W:I"m sorry. Sir. They are sold out. But we have a few left for tomorrow. Q:What do we learn from this conversation?------- 2. W:I"d love to see a different type of movi e for a change. I"m tired of movies about romantic stories. M:I agree. Let"s go and see a new movie at the Royal Theatre. I hear it"s a real story of two prison breakers. Q:Wh at kind of movie does the woman find boring?---------- 3. M:What do you think of Prof essor Brown"s lecture? W:The topic was interesting, but the lecture was much more diff icult to follow than I had expected. Q:What does the woman say about the lecture?---------- 4. M:I"d like to have a talk with your director sometime this week. Could you arr ange it for me? W:He"s rather busy these days. But I"ll see what I can do. Q:What"s the man asking the woman to do? 5. M:Why did Margaret call yesterday? W:She wa nted to pick up some magazines she lent me. Q:What do we learn from the conversatio n?



1.A . He does not know anything about the Council"s plans.

B . He is not supposed to give the information the woman wants.

C . The woman had better ask someone else for the information on that matter.

D . The woman has put him in a very difficult positions by asking him that.

正确答案: He does not know anything about the Council"s plans..


2.A . The man offered to fix the woman"s car.

B . The man wanted to know what the woman would have done if her car had failed to work.

C . The woman was not sure whether anything had gone wrong with here car.

D . the woman had better ask someone else for the information on that matter.

正确答案: The man offered to fix the woman"s car.


3.A . Who made the phone call.

B . Who came earlier than he.

C . What the call was about.

D . when John called him.

正确答案: when John called him.


4.A . She felt rather tired after swimming.

B . She didn"t go swimming yesterday afternoon.

C . She didn"t like swimming any more.

D . She was reluctant to go for a swim with the man.

正确答案: She was reluctant to go for a swim with the man.


5.A . 6:45

B . 7:45

C . 7:15

D . 6:15


题目详解:[听力原文] 1. W:Hasn"t the council published plans for a new service area? M:I"m afraid I"m not in a position to reveal any information on that score. Q:What d oes the man mean? 2. M:What would you have done if you car had broken down? W:Difficult to say, but I think I"d have taken it to a garage and asked them to fix it. Q:What can you conclude from this conversation? 3. W:There was a phone call for you e arlier today. M:Who was it? I"ve been expecting a call from John all day. Q:What d oes the man want to know? 4. M:Why didn"t you come for a swim with us yesterday afternoon? W:Well, you see, I"d already been for a swim, so I was a bit tired. Q:Wh at can you conclude about the woman from this conversation? 5. W:My plane leaves at 9:50, but I think I should arrive at the airport no later than 8:30. How long is the ride form here? M:Let"s see. Well, since it"s rush hour, I"d say that the ride would take ab out one hour and a quarter. Q:When will the woman most probably leave for the airpor t?



1.A . He hates working overtime.

B . He doesn"t care much about it.

C . He enjoys it very much.

D . He doesn"t mind even though it"s tedious.

正确答案: He doesn"t mind even though it"s tedious..


2.A . They are offered some plane tickets for their holidays.

B . They"ll stay at home during the holidays.

C . They"ll be flying somewhere for their vacation.

D . The woman doesn"t think it exciting to travel by air.

正确答案: They"ll be flying somewhere for their vacation.


3.A . She came on foot instead of taking a bus.

B . Something went wrong with the bus.

C . She took somebody to hospital.

D . Something prevented her from catching the bus.

正确答案: She took somebody to hospital..


4.A . Enjoy the beautiful day.

B . Clean the backyard.

C . Do her homework.

D . Wash clothes.

正确答案: Do her homework.


5.A . The two speakers are old friends.

B . The man is looking for a place to live in.

C . The woman is a secretary.

D . The man has a house for rent.

正确答案: The two speakers are old friends.

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. W:You seem to have a lot of work to do at your office. You"r e always staying late and working overtime. M:That"s true. But it"s no bother to me. Th e work is interesting. I don"t mind extra hours at all. Q:How does the man feel about his job? 2. M:Well, the holiday is well soon be here. W:Yes, isn"t it exciting by thi s time next week! We"ll be on the plane. Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

3. M:What happened to you? You are so late. W:The bus I took broke down in fro

nt of the hospital and I had to walk from there. Q:Why was the woman so late? 4. M:It"s such a beautiful day. Why not sit out in the back yard for a while and enjoy it? W:I"d love to. But there"s a lot of laundry to do. Q:What will the woman probably d o? 5. M:I believe you have a room to let. W:That"s so. Yes, won"t you come in? Q:What can we learn from the conversation?



1.A . It was very easy.

B . It was boring.

C . It was a bit more difficult than he thought.

D . It was very difficult.

正确答案: It was very difficult.


2.A . At home.

B . In a hospital

C . In a restaurant.

D . In a department store.

正确答案: In a department store..


3.A . A student.

B . A research assistant.

C . An office clerk.

D . A writer.

正确答案: A writer..


4.A . It was nonsense.

B . It was most uninteresting.

C . It was quite all right.

D . It was difficult to understand.

正确答案: It was difficult to understand.


5.A . His hands are full.

B . He is driving a car.

C . He is repairing a car.

D . He is illiterate.

正确答案: He is illiterate.

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. W:Jack, how was your French Examination? You were so worr ied! M:Yes, but I need not have worried about it -- it was a piece of cake. Q:What does the man think of the examination? 2. M:Now, take the menu and choose whatever you like. It"s on me. W:Oh, it"s very kind of you. But I really don"t feel like eating a nything now. Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? 3. W:Matthe w, have you begun your composition yet, the one that"s due tomorrow? M:No, I haven" t. But I have done quite a bit of research on the topic. I"ve got a few very interesting fa cts I plan to refer to. Q:What do you think the man is? 4. M:Can you believe what Prof. Smith said about truth and opinion? I mean it"s a lot of garbage. W:I don"t know -- It sort of made sense to me. Q:What does the woman think of Prof. Smith"s talk? 5. W:Alan! It"s a letter form Terry! M:Great! Can you read it to me? My hands are a ll dirty from working on the car. Q:Why does the man want the woman to read the let ter to him?



1.A . The man was very stupid.

B . The man was quite well-off.

C . The man was entirely wrong.

D . The man was completely right.

正确答案: The man was very stupid.


2.A . He doesn"t know anything about what the woman was saying.

B . It"s important to work out a detailed plan first.

C . He agrees with the woman completely.

D . They should apply for the money immediately.

正确答案: He agrees with the woman completely.


3.A . The police didn"t know how to get to the Smiths.

B . The police didn"t know where the Smiths were.

C . The police haven"t caught the robbers yet.

D . The police haven"t done their best to assist the Smiths.

正确答案: The police haven"t done their best to assist the Smiths.


4.A . Husband and wife.

B . Teacher and student.

C . Doctor and patient.

D . Boss and employee.

正确答案: Boss and employee.


5.A . Their friend may not arrive in time.

B . They may miss their plane.

C . They gave no time to get well prepared for the trip.

D . Their plane may not be able to take off.

正确答案: Their plane may not be able to take off.

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. M:Well, Mary, just remember this -- money is nothing to me. W:I know -- but if you have been hungry and have no money to buy your food, you"ll think differently. Q:What can be inferred from the woman"s answer? 2. W:It"s appar ent that nothing can be done at all until we get the money. M:I take your point, but if we have no exact plan of what we intend to do we won"t know how much money to as k for. Q:What does the man mean? 3. M:The Smiths got robbed yesterday. Have y ou heard about it? W:Yes, the police tried to find the robbers, but they got nowhere in their inquiries. Q:What can be concluded from the conversation? 4. W:Good morning, Mr. Patrick. what seems to be the trouble? M:I woke up this morning with a pain in my left leg. Q:What is the relationship between the two speakers? 5. M:It must be t ime to get on the plane, don"t you think, Mary? W:No. Don"t be nervous, John. They"ll call us when it"s time. Q:What is the man worried about?



1.A . The woman is tired of her work.

B . The woman is close friend of the man.

C . The woman is seeing a doctor.

D . The woman has been working too hard.

正确答案: The woman is tired of her work.


2.A . This pie can"t match his mother"s.

B . This apple pie tastes very good.

C . His mother can"t make apple pies.

D . His mother likes the pie very much.

正确答案: This pie can"t match his mother"s.


3.A . Give a performance.

B . Listen to the music.

C . Dance to the music.

D . Take a walk.

正确答案: Give a performance.


4.A . Present a different theory to the class.

B . Choose a better article to read.

C . Read an article on political science.

D . Read more than one article.

正确答案: Present a different theory to the class.


5.A . The woman would understand if she did Mary"s job.

B . The woman should do the typing for Mary.

C . The woman should work as hard as Mary.

D . The woman isn"t a skillful typist.

正确答案: The woman should do the typing for Mary.

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. M:Hello, Mrs. White, what can I do for you? W:I don"t kno w what"s the matter with me? I"m always feeling tired, I"m usually worn out at the end o f the day. Q:What do we learn from the conversation? 2. W:What do you think of t he apple pie? I made it myself. M:Very delicious indeed. Even my mother"s cannot mat ch this. Q:What does the man mean? 3. M:The music is so beautiful that I"d like to

dance. But I don"t know the steps. W:It doesn"t matter. No one will be looking at us i n the crowd. Q:What does the woman suggest they do? 4. M:I"d better read one of t he articles for our political science class. W:You can"t read just one. They say each pre sents a different theory. Q:What does the woman tell the man he must do? 5. W:Ma ry is always complaining about her job. M:Maybe if you tries typing letters every day, you"d see what it"s like. Q:What is the man mean?



1.A . He wants to change the time of the appointment.

B . He wants to make sure that Mr. Smith will see him.

C . He wants to make an appointment with Mr. Smith.

D . He wants the woman to meet him at three o"clock.

正确答案: He wants to make an appointment with Mr. Smith.


2.A . He is an awful speaker.

B . He hasn"t prepared his speech well.

C . He is an inexperienced speaker.

D . He gets nervous easily.

正确答案: He gets nervous easily.


3.A . The man bought a lot of books.

B . There wasn"t a large selection at the bookstore.

C . She wanted to see what the man bought.

D . She didn"t like the books the man bought.

正确答案: She didn"t like the books the man bought.


4.A . Go to the airport immediately.

B . Buy a ticket for the ten o"clock flight.

C . Switch to a different flight.

D . Ask the man to change the ticket for her.

正确答案: Ask the man to change the ticket for her.


5.A . Dr. Lemon is busy at the moment.

B . Dr. Lemon has lost his patience.

C . Dr. Lemon has gone out to visit a patient.

D . Dr. Lemon is waiting or a patient.

正确答案: Dr. Lemon is waiting or a patient.

题目详解:[听力原文] 1. M:Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. I"m just ringin g to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W:Yes. Mr. Smith"s ex pecting you at 3 o"clock. Q:Why is the man making the phone call? 2. W:Tom look s awfully nervous, doesn"t he? M:Yes. I"m afraid he is not used to making speeches. Q:What do they think of Tom? 3. M:I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Woul d you like to have a look at them? W:A few? It looks like you bought out the bookst ore. Q:What does the woman mean? 4. M:Jane, you won"t be able to get to the airp ort in time to catch the 10 o"clock flight. W:I realize that now. I"ll have to get my tick et changed. Q:What will the woman have to do? 5. M:Would you get me through t o Dr. Lemon please? W:I"m sorry. He"s with a patient. Q:What does the woman mea n?



1. When did the woman want the store to deliver the items?

A . In about 20 years.

B . Within a week.

C . In a couple of weeks.

D . In a couple of weeks.

正确答案:As early as possible.

题目详解:从选项中看出,问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的时间"。依据短文第3句中" I as ked then to deliver the things as soon as possible"的提示,判断出选项中的"As early as po ssible "与本题含义相符。

2. Was the woman pleased when she saw the items they had delivered?

A . Yes, of course.

B . Not mentioned.

C . Definitely not.

D . possibly not.

正确答案: Yes, of course..

题目详解:从选项可推测出,问题涉及到的是…对某件事情的判断决策?,依据短文第9句中" you can imagine how angry I was, "的提示,判断出选中的"Definitely not."与本题含义相符。

3. What happened in the end?

A . Her complaint was ignored.

B . The store picked up the wrong items.

C . The store apologized for their mistake.

D . The store sent her the correct order.

正确答案:Her complaint was ignored.

题目详解:从四个选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是""事件的最终结果"。从短文的最后一句话"they have neither picked up the wrong items nor sent me the rest of my order"的提示,推断出选项中的"Her complaint was gnored."与本题含义相符。



1. What is the speaker"s opinion about learning from books?

A . It"s good for training goner?s character but not good for one"s health

B . It cannot prepare pupils to be good citizens.

C . It"s as important as after-class activities.

D . sports and games have more effect on a child

正确答案:sports and games have more effect on a child

题目详解:依据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"讲话者对某件事的评价"。从短文第3句中" but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child"s charact er"的提示,判断出选项中的"It has less effect on a child"s characterthan sports and games. "与本题含义相符。

2. Why is ordinary day school unable to give pupils much training for their future lives?

A . Because the school authorities insist on traditional ways of teaching.

B . Because pupils there are too fond of playing.

C . Because pupils must spend more time studying

D . Because the school authorities have neglected discipline.

正确答案:Because pupils must spend more time studying


a most of the pupils"time is spent in classes studying lessons"的提示,判断出选项中的"Be cause pupils there have to spend most of the time sutdying"与本题含义相符。

3. What can help develop a child"s love of his country according to the speaker?

A . Teacher"s encouragement.

B . Book konwledge.

C . Practical work.

D . Collective activities.

正确答案:Collective activities.

题目详解:从选项看出,问题涉及到的是"做某种事情的方式"。从短文最后一句中" if each of them learns to work for his team"的提示,判断出选项中的"Collective activities."与本题含义相符。



1. Where have the family decided to go on the vacation this summer?

A . They have decided to go hunting bears.

B . They want to go camping.

C . They want to go exploring the country.

D . They haven"t reached a decision yet.

正确答案:They haven"t reached a decision yet.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某人决定要做的事"。从听力短文第1句"Our family is trying to decide where to go",句中的"is trying"与选项中的"They haven"t reached a decision yet"与题意相关

2. Who do you think saw the bear first?

A . Tom.

B . The speaker"s husband

C . The speaker.

D . Susie.

正确答案: The speaker"s husband

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"故事中的人物"。从听力短文第5句中"As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out",判断出首先发现狗熊的是" Susie."。

3. What did they do when they saw a bear enter their tent?

A . They climbed up a tree.

B . They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.

C . They chased the bear away.

D . They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.

正确答案: They chased the bear away

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的方式"。从听力短文倒数第3句"Leave him alone and wait for him to come out"与选项中的"They stayed outside the tent and did nothing"与题意相关。



1. In which of the following places have snakes never been found?

A . In dry deserts

B . In green forests.

C . In the Pacific Ocean.

D . In the North Pole region

正确答案:In the Pacific Ocean.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的地点"。从听力短文第1 句中的"except the north pole region and some islands in the South Pacific Ocea n",判断出与选项中的"In the Pacific Ocean"与题意相关。

2. Why do we find the largest numbers of snakes in hot regions?

A . Snakes are good swimmers.

B . Snakes are used to extra-hot weather.

C . Snakes like to stay in the Sun

D . Snakes like warmth.

正确答案:Snakes like warmth.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的原因"。从听力短文第6句中的"they depend on warm air for comfort and existence",判断出与选项中的" Snakes like warmth"与题意相关。

3. How smart are snakes compared with other animals?

A . They are not very intelligent.

B . They are unintelligent.

C . They are fairly intelligent.

D . They are very intelligent.

正确答案:They are unintelligent.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某种动物的智力程度"。从听力短文倒数第1句中的"be below average in intelligence"判断出与选项中的"They are unintell igent"与题意义相关。



1. What was John doing when he saw the young woman?

A . He was talking to a policeman.

B . He was watching a film.

C . He was shopping.

D . He was making a phone call.

正确答案: He was making a phone call.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某人在某时正在做的事"。从听力短文第1句"John was doing some shopping in the market when he noticed",判断出,选项中的"He was shopping"与题意相关。

2. What made the young woman stand out in the crowd?

A . Her fashionable handbag.

B . Her unusual height.

C . Her attractive manners.

D . Her beautiful figure.

正确答案: Her fashionable handbag.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某人的外表特征"。从听力短文第3句中的"but this woman was so graceful that she stood out in the crowd"判断出,选项中的"Her attractive manners."与题意相同。

3. Why did the thief return?

A . He was arrested by the police.

B . He was only making a joke.

C . He was acting in a film.

D . He had taken the woman"s hag by mistake.

正确答案:He was acting in a film.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的原因"。从听力短文倒数第1句中的"They were only making a film"判断出,选项中的"He was acting in a film"与题意相关。



1. Why were dogs used for hunting?

A . Because they were good hunters.

B . Because they always obeyed their masters.

C . Because they did not eat other animals.

D . Because they were useful for protection.

正确答案: Because they were good hunters.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某事发生原因"。从听力短文第5句中的"but also willing to obey his master",判断出,选项中的"Because they always obe yed their masters"与题意相关。

2. What"s the most important reason for people in the city to keep dogs now?

A . For amusement.

B . For protection against robbery.

C . For hunting.

D . For companionship.

正确答案: For hunting.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"某事发生原因"。从听力短文第7句中"the most useful and faithful animal in the world",判断出,选项中的"For companion ship"与题意相关。

3. What"s the main idea of the passage?

A . The city can be a lonely place.

B . The dog is a useful and friendly animal.

C . People in the West are fond of animals.

D . Life in the West can be very dangerous.

正确答案: Life in the West can be very dangerous.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"短文的主题思想"。从听力短文倒数第1句中的"the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to fr iendship"判断出,选项中的"The dog is a useful and friendly animal"与题意相关。



1. What did the speaker use to do for a living?

A . He ran a village shop

B . He worked in an advertising agency.

C . He was a gardener.

D . He worked on a farm.

正确答案:He worked in an advertising agency.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是…讲话者从事的事业?。从听力短文第2句中"my wife and I run the village shop"判断出,选项中的"He worked in an adverti sing agency"与本题含义相符。

2. What do we know about the speaker?s life in the past?

A . It was peaceful.

B . It was boring.

C . It was colorful.

D . It was stressful.

正确答案:It was stressful.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是…讲话者过去的生活状况?。从听力短文第6句中"though. I used to have a really stressful job"判断出,选项中的"It was stres sful"与本题含义相符。

3. What made the speaker change his life style?

A . His dream of living in the countryside.

B . His desire to start his own business.

C . The decline in his health.

D . The crisis in his family life.

正确答案:The crisis in his family life.

题目详解:据选项提供的信息,问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的因素"。从听力短文第9句中" The crisis came when my wife left me "判断出,选项中的"The crisis in his family li fe"与本题含义相符。



1. How do Pamela Royal and Edith Clark manage to keep down the cost of the hotel?

A . They close the hotel during low seasons.

B . They employ as few workers as possible.

C . They hire only retired workers.

D . They each do jobs they are good at.

正确答案:They each do jobs they are good at.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"主人公做某事的方法"。从听力材料中第五句"They work extremely well together and each has her own duties"判断出,选项中的"They each do jobs they are good at"与题意相符。

2. What jobs in the hotel are given to the college students?

A . Staff training.

B . Gardening and flower arranging.

C . Book-keeping.

D . Cleaning and washing up.

正确答案: Gardening and flower arranging.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"要求某人做的事"。从听力短文第11句中"to do the cleaning and washing up"判断出,选项中的"Cleaning and washing up"与题意相符。

3. Why are the two ladies popular in the area?

A . They have their hotel beautifully decorated.

B . They make their guests feel at home.

C . They provide delicious food.

D . They give parties regularly for their visitors.

正确答案: They give parties regularly for their visitors.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"某件事情发生的原因"。从听力材料中第14句"having an informal relationship with the guests and often make friends with the regular visitors"判断出,选项中的"They make their guests feel at home"与题意相符。



1. What is Larry"s job?

A . A guard on the Golden Gate Bridge.

B . A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.

C . A professional diver.

D . A telephone operator.

正确答案:A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"某人所从事的职业"。从听力材料中第一句"one of the rescuers"判断出,选项中的"A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge"与题意相符。

2. What is happening if Larry"s phone rings at 3 o"clock in the morning?

A . Someone on the bridge is being attacked.

B . Someone on the bridge attempt to kill himself

C . Someone is threatening to destroy the bridge.

D . Someone has fallen off the bridge.

正确答案:Someone on the bridge attempt to kill himself

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"要发生的一件事"。从听力材料中的第4句"threatening to commit suicide"判断出,选项中的"Someone on the bridge is attempt ing to kill himself."与题意相符

3. What does Larry Smith usually do to stop someone from jumping off the bridge?

A . Help them to get out of their misty.

B . Remind them that they have children to take care of.

C . Call the mother to come fight away.

D . Try to communicate with them first.

正确答案:Try to communicate with them first.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"解决问题采用的方法"。从听力短文中的第10句"The trick is to open a channel of communication with them"判断出,选项中的"Try to communicate with them first"与题意相符。



1. What is the passage mainly about?

A . The difference between elegance and good manners.

B . The art of saying thank you.

C . The importance of good manners.

D . The secret of staying pretty.

正确答案: The secret of staying pretty.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"文章的主题"。从听力短文第一句中" Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer and gentler with each other"判断出,选项中的"The importance of good manners"与本题含义相符。

2. What does the speaker say about people of the past?

A . They were more aware of changes in fashion.

B . They were willing to spend more money on clothes.

C . They paid more attention to their appearance.

D . They were nicer and gentler.

正确答案: They paid more attention to their appearance.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是…对某件事情的评论?。从听力短文第一句话"people were a little nicer and gentler with each other"判断出,选项中的"They were nicer and gentler"与本题含义相符。

3. According to the speaker how can we best improve our image?

A . By decorating our homes.

B . By being kind and generous.

C . By wearing fashionable-clothes.

D . By putting on a little make-up.

正确答案:By being kind and generous.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"做某件事的方法"。从听力短文最后第2句中" Getting into the habit of saying "thank you" can make you feel better about yo urself…"判断出,选项中的"By being kind and generous"与本题含义相符。



1. What is the cause of playground injuries?

A . Children don"t get enough education in safety.

B . Children are keen on dangerous games.

C . The playgrounds are in poor condition.

D . The playgrounds are overcrowded.

正确答案:The playgrounds are in poor condition.

题目详解::根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"事件发生的原因"。从听力短文第4句中"recent studies show they may be badly designed, their protective surfaces are inadeq uate, and their equipment is poorly maintained"判断出,选项中的"The playgrounds are in poor condition"与本题含义相符。

2. What should parents do to prevent playground injuries?

A . They should help maintain the equipment.

B . They should teach their children how to use the equipment.

C . They should stop their children from climbing ladders.

D . They should keep a watchful eye on their children

正确答案:They should keep a watchful eye on their children

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是"预防事件发生的措施"。从听力短文第5句中"parents should watch closely"判断出,选项中的"They should keep a watchful ey e on their children."与本题含义相符。

3. What does the speaker say about young children?

A . They may panic in front of high playground equipment.

B . They should be aware of the potential risks in the playground.

C . They tend to stay within shouting or running distance of their parents.

D . They can be creative when they feel secure.

正确答案:They can be creative when they feel secure.

题目详解:根据选项提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是…事件发生过后的感受?。从听力短文最后一句" once they feel that sense of security, that"s when they can be creative"判断出,选项中的"They can be creative when they feel secure."与本题含义相符。



1. What does the giant jet look like inside?

A . A high building.

B . An engine room

C . A big kitchen.

D . A great theater.

正确答案:A great theater.


第5句中的"Inside, the giant jet looks more like a theater than a plane",判断出,选项中的"A great theater"与题意相关

2. How many passengers can the jet plane hold?

A . More than 300.

B . More than 400.

C . More than 200.

D . More than 600.

正确答案:More than 400.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"飞机的机载量"。从听力短文第7句中的"hold more than four hundred passengers",判断出,选项中的"More than 400"与题意相符。

3. What will happen if the human pilots can not fly the plane?

A . Two mechanical pilots will do the job.

B . The giant jet will be forced to land.

C . The engines of the giant jet will stop working.

D . The giant jet will crash.

正确答案:Two mechanical pilots will do the job.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"对未来事件发生的推测"。从听力短文倒数第1句中的"There are also two mechanical pilots to take charge if the human pilots can not fly the plane"判断出,选项中的"Two mechanical pilots will do the job"与题意相关。



1. Why did the speaker sell her house?

A . Her husband had lost his job.

B . She wanted to move to New York.

C . Her husband had got a higher position.

D . She wanted to have a cleaner house.

正确答案: She wanted to have a cleaner house.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"事件发生的原因"。从听力短文第1句中的"When my husband was promoted we put our house up for sale"判断出,选项中的"Her husband had got a higher position"与题意相关。

2. Why did the agent visit the speaker so early in the morning?

A . The buyers had to leave soon.

B . He had made an appointment with her for 8 a. m

C . He began to work at 8 a.m.

D . His telephone went out of order.

正确答案: His telephone went out of order.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"事件发生的原因"。从听力短文第7句中"The couple has to catch a plane home",判断出,选项中的"The buyers had to l eave soon"与题意相符。

3. Why did the couple laugh in the speaker"s house?

A . They considered her foolish.

B . They considered her lazy.

C . They saw something familiar to them.

D . They saw something they had never seen.

正确答案:They saw something familiar to them.

题目详解:依据选项中提供的信息,判断出问题涉及到的是"事情发生的原因"。从听力短文倒数第1句中的"That house has a warm life in feeling just like ours." 判断出,选项中的" They saw something familiar to them."与题意相关。



1.A . Plan a rock climbing trip over spring break.

B . Convince the man to take a rockclimbing course with her.

C . Find out if a rockclimbing course will be offered.

D . Find a place to go rock climbing.

正确答案:Convince the man to take a rockclimbing course with her.

题目详解:rock climbing是指“攀岩运动”。W听说M还没有决定这学期的体育课,于是力劝他选择攀岩课,并列举了这门课的种种好处,最后终于让M动心了。因此这道题选[Convin ce the man to take a rockclimbing course with he.]

2.A . There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby.

B . The college doesn"t have any rockclimbing equipment.

C . There is no one to teach them how to do it.

D . Not very many students are interested in it.

正确答案:There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby.

题目详解:M问道:“这一带周围都是平地,学校怎么教攀岩?”言外之意是,附近没有适合攀岩的地方,因此选[There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby.]

3.A . Climbers develop skills useful in other activities.

B . Climbing isn"t as expensive as other sports.

C . Climbers have the opportunity to be outside and enjoy the scenery.

D . Learning to climb doesn"t take a very long time.

正确答案:Climbers develop skills useful in other activities.

题目详解:W认为攀登并不是惟一的目的,这门课让人学会保持耐心,锻炼智力并增强体力,这正是W对它如此感兴趣的原因。与之意思最接近的只有[Climbers develop skills useful i n other activities.]

4.A . Selecting the necessary equipment.

B . Increasing upperbody strength.

C . Discussing popular climbing sites.

D . Finding a climbing partner.

正确答案:Increasing upperbody strength.

题目详解:最初几周的课将完全集中于锻炼手部和上身,因此选[Increasing upperbody strengt h]



1.A . Writing papers for his classes.

B . Working overtime as a librarian.

C . Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.

D . Meeting with his professors.

正确答案: Meeting with his professors.

题目详解:这道题的关键在于把握对话中反复出现的paper(论文)一次。M与W所讨论的话题一直围绕着写论文而展开,不难判断,M一直在忙着写论文,正确答案为[Writing pap ers for his classes.]

2.A . Spend more time in the library.

B . Drop one of his courses.

C . Do his research on closely related topics.

D . Write just one paper for all his classes.

正确答案:Do his research on closely related topics.

题目详解:W建议M选择一个主题,然后分别写三个不同的方面,完成三篇论文。与之意思最接近的是[Do his research on closely related topics.]

3.A . She"s been studying it recently.

B . She once wrote about it.

C . She thinks the man should write about it.

D . She particularly likes Romantic poetry.

正确答案: She particularly likes Romantic poetry.

题目详解:W在给M建议时提到围绕浪漫主义,写一篇侧重点不同的论文,因此选[She thi nks the man should write about it],其他没有涉及。

4.A . He"s already helped her enough.

B . He doesn"t know enough chemistry.

C . She knows he"s very busy.

D . She doesn"t need any help.

正确答案:He doesn"t know enough chemistry.

题目详解:W没有让M帮她写化学实验是因为M从来没有上过化学课(take chemistry),恐怕W对M帮忙的结果不满意,因此选[He doesn"t know enough chemistry.]



1.A . Some teaching assistants don"t have desks.

B . Office supplies are taking up space.

C . There is too much noise.

D . There aren"t enough cabinets.

正确答案:There is too much noise.

题目详解:M在解释自己很少待在办公室的原因时说道,办公室里太吵了,让他无法工作。W说这正是她所要谈论的问题,可见,他们在讨论关于办公室里太吵的问题,因此选[The re is too much noise.]。

2.A . To hand in their assignment.

B . To chat with Jack socially.

C . To get help in the course.

D . To practice giving interviews.

正确答案:To get help in the course.

题目详解:文章里共有两次提到Jack的学生来找他的目的是为了获得他在这门课程方面的帮助(“Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course”;“We can"t reall y ask him to stop having students come in for help”),考生只需要听懂其中一处,即可选出正确答案。

3.A . Complain to the department head.

B . Move the supplies to the storage room.

C . Try to get a room to use for meeting.

D . Give Jack a different office.

正确答案:Try to get a room to use for meeting.

题目详解:Stan认为他们不能直接要求Jack不让学生过来寻求帮助,于是提出再要一间会议室(meeting room),这样学生来了之后可以在这间会议室里与老师谈话,因此选[Try to get a room to use for meeting.]。

4.A . They"d have to get permission.

B . The other assistants should be consulted.

C . She thinks it might work.

D . Jack wouldn"t like it.

正确答案:She thinks it might work.

题目详解:考生需要在听完了全文之后才能正确解答这道题。对于Stan的建议,Cathy 最初并不赞同,认为储藏室太小了,不适合当会议室。但Stan说,如果把里面的橱柜搬走,房间看起来会大一些。Cathy随后也改变了最初的想法,认为这一建议可能可行,并准备去亲眼看看,因此正确答案应该是[She thinks it might work.]。



1.A . Relaxing at the seashore.

B . Preparing for a race.

C . Sailing on a boat.

D . Visiting her parents.

正确答案:Relaxing at the seashore.


2.A . She had an appointment.

B . She has school work to do.

C . She was invited only for the weekend.

D . The weather was too hot.

正确答案: She was invited only for the weekend.

题目详解:考生需要听出“have a paper I need to work on”(有一篇论文要写),可见,W 之所以这么早回来是为了这篇论文,因此选[She has school work to do.]

3.A . She was too tired to continue.

B . She had to finish her schoolwork.

C . She was thirsty.

D . She had to go home.

正确答案: She was thirsty.

题目详解:从“how hard it is to run on the sand”(在沙子上面跑是一件多么困难的事)以及“had to sit down”(不得不坐下来)可以推断出,W之所以停止打排球是因为他实在太累了。

4.A . The water was too cold.

B . She doesn"t know how to swim.

C . She didn"t have enough time.

D . The water was too deep.

正确答案: She didn"t have enough time.

题目详解:W说自己本来想游泳,但是他们告诉她说水不够暖和,不能游泳,The water wa s too cold与之意思相近。



1.A . Whit a knife.

B . On some glass.

C . On the edge of some metal.

D . On a piece of paper.

正确答案:On a piece of paper.

题目详解:在对话一开始,W问M是不是把自己割伤了,M回答说是的,被这张纸的边缘割伤了(on the edge of this paper),因此正确答案是[On a piece of paper.]

2.A . How easily he was cut.

B . How concerned the woman was.

C . How deep the cut was.

D . How much the cut hurt.

正确答案:How much the cut hurt.

题目详解:“How can such a little cut hurt so much?”意思是“这么小的一个伤口怎么会这么疼?”“such”和“so”这两个表示程度的副词表达了M的惊讶之情。因此正确答案是[How mu ch the cut hurt.]

3.A . The amount of bleeding.

B . The number of nerve endings irritated.

C . The amount of skin affected by the cut.

D . The cause of the cut.

正确答案:The number of nerve endings irritated.


4.A . Take a pain reliever.

B . Go to a doctor.

C . Let the cut dry out.

D . Keep the cut closed.

正确答案:Keep the cut closed.

题目详解:W给M的建议是:“Go get yourself a bandage.”(给你自己绑上一个绷带。)与之意思相近的是[Keep the cut closed.]



1.A . To renew his housing contract.

B . To get information about special housing.

C . To make an appointment to look at a house.

D . To ask about getting a loan to buy a house.

正确答案:To get information about special housing.

题目详解:这是一段电话对话,一般来说,打电话的人会在一开始就阐明自己打电话的目的。如果考生听懂了M在刚开始时所说的母的是要询问关于为研究生准备的有资助的(subsidiz ed)低成本住房,就不能选择出正确答案To get information about special housing。选择T o make an appointment to look at a house具有一定的迷惑性,因为M与W确实在电话中做了预约,考生需要听懂他们预约是为了使M获得详细的信息,而不是为了看房。

2.A . With his grandparents.

B . With his wife"s parents.

C . In his own apartment.

D . In student housing.

正确答案: In his own apartment.

题目详解:在谈到申请住房者必须符合收入条件时,M提到自己现在正与妻子的父母住在一起,因此这道题的正确答案是[With his wife"s parents.]

3.A . His wife is a graduate student.

B . He works at the university housing office.

C . He is a fulltime student.

D . He has more than one child.

正确答案: He has more than one child.


4.A . He plans to go back to graduate school.

B . He thinks his rent is too high.

C . He"s looking for a fulltime job.

D . He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.

正确答案:He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.




1.A . She works there.

B . She wanted to surprise John.

C . She"s waiting for her father.

D . She"s having her bicycle repaired.

正确答案: She"s having her bicycle repaired.

题目详解:要回答这道题,考生需要听懂Laura的回答。她说她周末一般都在这里,这是她父亲的店,可见,她是在帮父亲照顾生意。一直意思最接近的只有She works there。这道题也可以使用排除法。对话中W的话表明她是一个店员的角色,因此可以排除前三个选项。

2.A . To train for a bicycle race.

B . To join a bicycle club.

C . To replace his stolen bicycle.

D . To begin bicycling to work.

正确答案:To begin bicycling to work.

题目详解:这是一道细节题。John想买自行车的理由是天气变暖和了,他准备锻炼身体,不再每天坐公共汽车上下班了,正确答案应该是To begin bicycling to work。后面M说“Mos tly I"ll just be using it to get me back and forth from work.”也可以帮助锁定正确答案。

3.A . Replace the tires on his bicycle.

B . Buy a used bicycle.

C . Buy a racing bicycle.

D . Sell his old bicycle to the shop.

正确答案: Sell his old bicycle to the shop.

题目详解:这道题的关键在于掌握“trade-in”是指“折价的旧物品”,也就是说,Laura建议他买旧自行车,因此正确答案是Buy a used bicycle。不过,如果考生不知道trade-in这个词的意思,也可以用排除法找到正确答案。

4.A . It must be the right height.

B . It must be the right weight.

C . It must have good tires.

D . It must have several gears.

正确答案: It must have several gears.

题目详解:Laura认为自行车最重要的是舒适,并接着解释说,也就是必须高度合适,因此正确答案是It must be the right height。up front在这里的意思是“坦率的”



1.A . He can"t find his office key.

B . He has misplaced some exams.

C . He"s unable to talk.

D . He doesn"t like his classroom.

正确答案: He doesn"t like his classroom.

题目详解:“lose one"s voice”意思是“失声,说不出话”。这段电话对话里面曾两次提到“lose one"s voice”而且后面还有一句提示话语“he" ll be able to talk by then”(那是他就能说话了),可见,Don的问题是现在说不出话来。

2.A . Mark the latest homework assignment.

B . Make an appointment with the doctor.

C . Put a cancellation notice on the classroom door.

D . Return some exams to his students.

正确答案:Return some exams to his students.

题目详解:解答这道题的关键在于清楚“pass”有“分发”的意思,“to pass back the midterm ex ams”意思是“发回期中考试试卷”,可见,Don想让人帮忙做的事情就是把考卷发给学生。另外还要注意对话中M曾经询问:“Does he want me to try to find somebody else to teach it?”这句话有误导的作用。后面W的否定回答表明这并不是Don希望他人帮忙做的事情。

3.A . Give Professor Webster the key to Don"s office.

B . Bring Don the homework that was due today.

C . Teach Don"s class while he"s absent.

D . Leave a message on the board in Don"s classroom.

正确答案: Bring Don the homework that was due today.

题目详解:在Professor Webster表示愿意帮忙之后,Janet问他是否需要办公室的钥匙,并表示自己可以给他捎过来。可见,Janet提议的是给教授Don办公室的钥匙。

4.A . Put the homework on Don"s desk.

B . Give Don"s students the next assignment.

C . Call Don at the end of the afternoon.

D . Leave the master key for Don.

正确答案: Leave the master key for Don.

题目详解:在听较长的英语会话时,考试应特别注意会话时预期的变化。在这段会话里,W 在说自己几乎忘了某件事之前,说道:“Oh, and... uh...”这也可以说是在题型考生提高注意里。“put the next assignment on the board”意思是“把下一次的作业写在黑板上。”



1.A . The zoo has built a rookery there.

B . It has recently been renovated.

C . He"s writing a book about penguins.

D . He"s interested in seeing a certain species.

正确答案:He"s interested in seeing a certain species.

题目详解:emperor penguin是指“黄企鹅”。M想参观企鹅馆是因为他听说这里新增加了一对来自南极洲的黄企鹅,因此选[He"s interested in seeing a certain species.]。rookery 企鹅和海报等的繁殖地。

2.A . It is able to fly.

B . It lays its eggs underwater.

C . It is the largest kind of penguin.

D . It lives near the equator.

正确答案:It is the largest kind of penguin.

题目详解:在谈到皇企鹅时,M一连用了“huge”、“a lot bigger”、“bigger than all the other penguins”,可见,它的独特之处在于大,因此选[It is the largest kind of penguin.]。equato r 赤道。

3.A . They are used for swimming.

B . They have no feathers.

C . They differ on males and females.

D . They are present only on certain species.

正确答案:They are used for swimming.

题目详解:M认为企鹅的翅膀更像是鳍状肢(flippers),它们的作用是在水中划行。即使不熟悉flippers和paddle,抓住“They swim, too.”这句话,也可以锁定正确答案为[They are u sed for swimming.]

4.A . He keeps the egg warm.

B . He builds a nest for the egg.

C . He defends the colony.

D . He gathers food for the females.

正确答案:He keeps the egg warm.


蛋保持温暖,直到它孵化位置,正确答案是[He keeps the egg warm.]。huddle together 蜷缩,缩成一团。



1.A . To sightsee.

B . To go to the seashore.

C . To see some relatives.

D . To buy some toys.

正确答案:To sightsee.

题目详解:对话中谈到她去芝加哥,而且打算住在Sue的父母家,文中也直接提到spend Sa turday sight-seeing.

2.A . The air outside was also hot.

B . Their clothing was warm enough.

C . The car was not moving fast enough.

D . They were not feeling good.

正确答案: They were not feeling good.

题目详解:对话中直接提到“We did, but the breezes blowing in were also hot...”

3.A . He wanted to have fun.

B . He did not want to stay in the library any longer.

C . The weather was so hot.

D . He had done enough study.

正确答案: He had done enough study.

题目详解:对话中谈到这个星期的炎热天气时提到“Yeah, it was so bad I had to get out of the library. I ended up going to the beach both days.”这里直接说明了去beach 的原因。

4.A . Visiting friends in Indiana.

B . Waiting for Sue"s parents to arrive.

C . Waiting for the car to be repaired.

D . Sight-seeing in Chicago.

正确答案:Waiting for the car to be repaired.




1.A . How the man can invest the money.

B . The death of the man"s aunt.

C . How the man can find Mr. Hunter.

D . The woman"s broker.

正确答案: The woman"s broker.

题目详解:对话中一直是关于Bill如何将所得遗产的一部进行投资,Nancy因此建议他向她的财务经纪人咨询。因此答案是How the man can invest the money。

2.A . Investment returns.

B . From charity organizations.

C . From his aunt.

D . From Barbara.

正确答案:From his aunt.

题目详解:对话中直接提到“you know, she even left Barbara and me a large sum of mone y”,因此答案是from his aunt。

3.A . To buy municipal bonds.

B . To invest some of them.

C . To deposit the money m a bank.

D . To spend as he wants.

正确答案: To buy municipal bonds.

题目详解:对话中女士谈到这个问题时,没有直截了当地回答,而是建议他去咨询专业人士如何进行投资,当然说的还是如何进行投资,因此选择答案[To invest some of them.]。

4.A . On mutual funds.

B . On tax on inheritance.

C . On municipal bonds.

D . Investment for speculation.

正确答案:On mutual funds.

题目详解:对话中谈到Mr. Hunter 可以提供很多方面的建议,根据顺序,一次出现的是inve

stment for speculation, tax on inheritance 和municipal bond,但没有提到过mutual funds,因此答案是[On mutual funds.]。



1.A . In a coffee house.

B . In the company.

C . At the woman"s office.

D . Through a telephone call.

正确答案:Through a telephone call.

题目详解:对话一开始双方使用的语言this is...提示在通电话,因此答案是。

2.A . More than two years.

B . Less than a year.

C . Less than two years.

D . More than a year.

正确答案:More than two years.


3.A . He dislikes his present job.

B . He wants to work for a famous company.

C . He wants to have more diverse experience.

D . He wants a higher salary.

正确答案:He wants to have more diverse experience.


4.A . A technical assistant.

B . A computer programmer.

C . A word processor.

D . A web designer.

正确答案:A computer programmer.

题目详解:对话中谈到目前该公司有一个computer programmer的职位空缺,之后,双方就该职位的一些简单情况进行交流,男子最终决定申请此职位,并准备为此进行面试。因此答案




1.A . Invite the girl to go shopping.

B . Invite the girl to watch a movie.

C . Invite the girl to have dinner.

D . Invite the girl to join a party.

正确答案: Invite the girl to have dinner.

题目详解:对话中一直是关于George如何得到电影票,为什么要买电影票,因此得知答案是[Invite the girl to watch a movie.]

2.A . From his roommate.

B . From his friend.

C . From a sponsor of the movie.

D . From his neighbor.

正确答案:From his friend.

题目详解:对话中直接提到“He was able to get the tickets for free, and then he sold two t o me for $50.00 a piece. ”因此得知答案是[From his friend.]

3.A . $100.00 a piece.

B . For free.

C . He did not tell the girl.

D . $50.00 a piece.

正确答案:$100.00 a piece.

题目详解:通过“He was able to get the tickets for free, and then he sold two to me for $50.00 a piece. ”虽然George的朋友免费得到了两张电影票,但却以每张50美元的价格卖给了George。

4.A . They will have dinner together first.

B . They live far from the theatre.

C . There will be a lot of people.

D . There will be a heavy traffic.

正确答案: There will be a heavy traffic.

题目详解:对话中George建议:“We should get there at least one hour earlier...”原因是“the re"ll be a big line”,据此推断他们需要提早到电影院的原因是人很多,因此答案为[There will be a lot of people.]



1.A . In a classroom.

B . In a library.

C . In a shopping mall.

D . At a restaurant.

正确答案:In a library.

题目详解:根据对话中男士所说的“According to the syllabus, the book is in the library, but I haven"t been able to find it.”可以判断这个对话发生在图书馆,因此答案为In a library.

2.A . History.

B . Philosophy.

C . Sociology.

D . Literature.


题目详解:在对话中,借阅人提到了他所需要的书的书名为Sociology and the Modern Age,因此答案为Sociology.

3.A . It has been taken by a student.

B . It has been placed on reserve.

C . It has been lent out.

D . It hasn"t been bought by the librarian.

正确答案:It has been placed on reserve.

题目详解:根据馆员所说的“Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve.”,因此答案为It has been placed on reserve.

4.A . Only one hour.

B . Two weeks.

C . Some hours.

D . One week.

正确答案:Some hours.

题目详解:当借阅人文馆员在哪里可以找到不出借的书,馆员告诉他“when a book is on res erve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. Th e student can have the book for a few hours,...”,因此答案为Some hours.



1.A . The use of steel in building construction.

B . Computer usage.

C . Building construction.

D . Database on computer.

正确答案: Computer usage.

题目详解:根据对话中“I"m just trying to find out a bit about the use of steel in building c onstruction.”可以推断此题答案为The use of steel in building construction.

2.A . Tutor"s office.

B . Library.

C . Bookstore.

D . Computer.


题目详解:根据对话中What about the library?可以判断答案为Library.

3.A . Father and son.

B . Tutor and student.

C . Colleagues.

D . Classmates.

正确答案: Father and son.


4.A . In a university.

B . In a hospital.

C . In a factory.

D . In a shopping center.

正确答案:In a university.

题目详解:根据上下文推测,可以判断此题答案为In a university.



1.A . In a hotel.

B . In a hospital.

C . In a restaurant.

D . In a shop.

正确答案:In a hotel.

题目详解:根据对话可以判断答案是In a hotel.

2.A . Comb.

B . Shower hat.

C . Shampoo.

D . Bath-foam.


题目详解:根据“Look at the toiletries in the bathroom - shampoo, bath-foam, even a showe r hat!”可以推动此题答案是Comb.

3.A . Remove it.

B . Not mentioned.

C . Replace it.

D . Press a button.

正确答案:Remove it.

题目详解:根据对话中“it starts when you remove it!”可以判断传统答案是Remove it.

4.A . A mini-bar.

B . A pencil.

C . A remote controller.

D . A book.

正确答案:A mini-bar.

题目详解:根据对话中“there"s a mini-bar under the TV.”可以判断此题答案是A mini-bar. 【下载】

1.A . How to learn well in college.

B . How to find a roommate.

C . Their major and college funding.

D . How to find funding for college.

正确答案: How to find funding for college.

题目详解:根据对话中所出现的提示,可以判断答案是Their major and college funding.

2.A . He wants to find a job in IT industry.

B . He wants to work in a travel agency in this area.

C . He wants to work in a travel agency in another city.

D . He has no idea.

正确答案: He has no idea.

题目详解:根据“Uh...I really haven"t decided. I think I"d like to work for a travel agency i n this area.”可以推测出答案是He wants to work in a travel agency in this area.

3.A . Physics.

B . Mechanical engineering.

C . Computer science.

D . Tourism.

正确答案:Computer science.

题目详解:根据对话中“Well, when I first started college, I majored in physics, but later I realized I might have a hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to co mputer science.”由此可以判断答案是Computer science.

4.A . Student"s loan from a bank.

B . A part-time job as a tour guide.

C . Teaching assistantship.

D . Four-year scholarship.

正确答案: Student"s loan from a bank.

题目详解:根据对话中“Well, I"m on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.”可以判断答案是[Four-year scholarship.]


1.A . It doesn"t have sugar in them.

B . It contains sugar.

C . It is healthy.

D . It is sour.

正确答案:It contains sugar.

题目详解:根据“All those sauces appeal to children because of the sugar content”,可以判断答案是It contains sugar.

2.A . Paul is crazy about sweets.

B . Paul eats too much sweet food.

C . Paul"s teeth are not healthy.

D . Paul is keen on sweet food.

正确答案:Paul is keen on sweet food.

题目详解:sweet tooth 的意思是喜欢甜食,Paul is keen on sweet food. 中的to be keen o n sth正是特别喜欢的意思。因此答案是Paul is keen on sweet food.

3.A . Lettuce.

B . Watercress.

C . Spinach.

D . Parsley.


题目详解:对话中说的十分明确,lettuce 富含维B,spinach 富含维A 和铁,而parsley 和w atercress富含铁,故选Spinach.

4.A . Suggestions on the diet of a child.

B . How to avoid being fat.

C . Hot to cook.

D . Diagnosis on a disease.

正确答案:Suggestions on the diet of a child.

题目详解:根据对话中的内容,可以判断对话是关于对孩子饮食的建议,因此可以判断答案是[Suggestions on the diet of a child.]



1.A . How various peppers are used in cooking.

B . How the pepper plant is grown.

C . How different kinds of pepper are produced.

D . Why white pepper is superior to black pepper.

正确答案: Why white pepper is superior to black pepper.


2.A . He grows his own herbs and spices.

B . He heard about it from a friend.

C . He read about it in a cookbook.

D . He studied it in cooking school.

正确答案: He read about it in a cookbook.


3.A . The skin is removed.

B . It"s freeze-dried.

C . It"s preserved in liquid.

D . It"s dried in the sun.

正确答案:It"s dried in the sun.


4.A . It has a fruity flavor.

B . It"s more pure than other types of pepper.

C . It helps maintain the color of certain dishes.

D . It"s easier to grow.

正确答案: It"s easier to grow.




1.A . A new fuel for buses.

B . Careers in environmental engineering.

C . A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses.

D . The causes of air pollution.

正确答案:A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses.


2.A . Parking is difficult in the city.

B . Her car is being repaired.

C . She wants to help reduce pollution.

D . The cost of fuel has increased.

正确答案:She wants to help reduce pollution.


3.A . An insulating material sprayed on engine parts.

B . A fuel that burns cleanly.

C . An oil additive that helps cool engines.

D . A material from which filters are made.

正确答案:An insulating material sprayed on engine parts.


4.A . The high cost of materials used in its production.

B . The high temperatures required for its use.

C . The opposition of automobile manufacturers.

D . The lack of trained environmental engineers.

正确答案:The high temperatures required for its use.




1.A . Cleaning cages

B . Making puppets.

C . Training baby birds.

D . Counting wildlife.

正确答案: Counting wildlife.


2.A . To breed animals to sell to zoos.

B . To study animal behavior in the wild.

C . To increase the public"sunderstanding of endangered species.

D . To prepare endangered species for life in the wild.

正确答案:To prepare endangered species for life in the wild.


3.A . He"s interesting in the genetics of mammals.

B . They also become attached to humans.

C . They"re familiar examples of endangered species.

D . He"s interesting in the genetics of mammals.

正确答案: They"re familiar examples of endangered species.


4.A . So that they are protected from scratches by the cranes.

B . So that they aren"t exposed to infectious diseases.

C . So that the chicks can be examined in a favorable environment.

D . So that the chicks don"t become dependent on human.

正确答案: So that the chicks can be examined in a favorable environment. 题目详解:null



1.A . A lecture by a visiting professor.

B . A research project.

C . Her biology thesis.

D . A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park.

正确答案: A research project.


2.A . More buffalo are being born.

B . Fewer buffalo are dying of disease.

C . Fewer buffalo are being killed by hunters.

D . More buffalo are surviving the winter.

正确答案: More buffalo are surviving the winter.


3.A . She needs the money.

B . Her thesis adviser is heading the project.

C . She is from Wyoming.

D . She has been studying animal diseases.

正确答案:She has been studying animal diseases.


4.A . Working on a cattle ranch.

B . She is from Wyoming.

C . Writing a paper about extinct animals.

D . Analyzing buffalo behavior.

正确答案:She is from Wyoming.




1.A . How to do well on exams.

B . Problems with the student cafeteria.

C . Some causes of headaches.

D . The effects of caffeine.

正确答案:The effects of caffeine.


2.A . He has a headache.

B . He is too busy.

C . He failed his history exam.

D . He is tired.

正确答案: He has a headache.


3.A . The taste of regular and decaffeinated coffee is the same.

B . Coffee has less caffeine than soda.

C . Decaffeinated coffee may help prevent heart disease.

D . Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease.

正确答案:Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease.


4.A . It helps people work efficiently.

B . It"s more refreshing than soda.

C . It has fewer flavors than tea.

D . It should be drunk in moderation.

正确答案: It has fewer flavors than tea.




1.A . A popular television program.

B . A recent purchase.

C . A new electronic store.

D . A breakthrough in technology.

正确答案:A recent purchase.


2.A . Ask for a cheaper price on the television.

B . Be satisfied with what he has.

C . Research what television is best for him.

D . Try a different store.

正确答案:Research what television is best for him.


3.A . Pay for the television.

B . Return the television to the store.

C . Watch less television.

D . Show the woman how to use the television.

正确答案:Return the television to the store.


4.A . He"s confused by the remote controls.

B . He would prefer a more expensive model.

C . He"s eager to use it.

D . He"s not happy that he bought it.

正确答案:He"s not happy that he bought it.




1.A . How to develop alternative energy sources.

B . Where a new energy source is located.

C . More economical diesel fuel.

D . Characteristics of a new type of fuel.

正确答案:Characteristics of a new type of fuel.


2.A . He lost his notes.

B . He missed the class.

C . He"s studying for a test.

D . He"s doing research on alternative.

正确答案: He"s doing research on alternative.


3.A . It will eventually destroy the ozone layer.

B . It will increase the amount of unpleasant odors from vehicles.

C . It will reduce the cost of running large vehicles.

D . It will reduce the amount of pollutants in the air.

正确答案:It will reduce the amount of pollutants in the air.


4.A . To help him write a paper.

B . To tell her if the notes are accurate.

C . To help him explain the information to his roommate.

D . To prepare for a test.

正确答案: To tell her if the notes are accurate.




1.A . Last week.

B . Some time ago.

C . Recently.

D . Yesterday.

正确答案: Recently.

题目详解:Long time no see.有些日子没见了。所以答案选择Some time ago。

2.A . Looking for a new job.

B . Interviewing for a new job.

C . Working at a new job.

D . Thinking about changing jobs.

正确答案:Thinking about changing jobs.

题目详解:Mary纠正Ken说她找工作的说法:Well, that"s not exactly true. I was thinking a bout changing jobs. 当时她只是想换工作。所以答案选择Thinking about changing jobs。

3.A . She got a promotion.

B . She got fired.

C . She found a new job.

D . She got a raise.

正确答案: She got a promotion.

题目详解:I had been hoping to get a promotion for a while, so when it finally came thro ugh I was relieved.显然是升职,因为升职了就不用换工作了。

4.A . He"s moving to a new house.

B . He"s getting a promotion.

C . He"s getting divorced.

D . He"s getting married.

正确答案:He"s getting married.

题目详解:I"m getting married! 结婚是Ken 所指的重大新闻。



1.A . Some local pottery.

B . Some locally produced products.

C . Some hand-painted cups.

D . Some handmade clothes.

正确答案:Some local pottery.


2.A . They"re produced in Germany.

B . They"re porcelain.

C . They"re cheap in prices.

D . They"re handicraft work.

正确答案:They"re handicraft work.


3.A . $50.

B . $38.

C . $138.

D . $35.



4.A . Give him a raise.

B . Provide a refund.

C . Start a still bigger business.

D . Put him out of business.

正确答案: Start a still bigger business.

题目详解:使他停业put so. Out of business是“使……停业,破产”的意思。



1.A . A chemistry student.

B . A landscape designer.

C . A newspaper reporter.

D . An art student.

正确答案: An art student.

题目详解:文中提到说话的男人是a chemistry major.

2.A . Location about a course.

B . The name of an art school.

C . Information about a course.

D . The differences between two kinds of paint.

正确答案: The differences between two kinds of paint.

题目详解:I"m thinking of taking your course in acrylic painting, and I"m calling to find m ore about it.

3.A . They dry in a short time.

B . They feel pleasant to the touch.

C . They are easy to find in stores.

D . They come in many unusual colors.

正确答案:They dry in a short time.

题目详解:We"ll be using acrylic paints instead of oils because they are easier to handle a nd dry more quickly.

4.A . Learn to mix their own paints.

B . Learn to appreciate abstract designs.

C . Copy the works of master painters.

D . Experiment with achieving textures in painting.

正确答案: Copy the works of master painters.

题目详解:... beginning students can get a good feel for what they can do with textures by

working with acrylic paints.



正确答案:To create stability in their lives.

题目详解:本题问现在人们对自己的婚姻持什么态度。对话中Mr. Jackson提到:In the mid st of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability n their lives. 可见To create stability in their lives为正确答案。

3.A . They were afraid of losing face.

B . They feared the complicated procedures.

C . They were willing to stay together.

D . They wanted to go against the trend.

正确答案:They were afraid of losing face.

题目详解:本题目问20年前人们不离婚的原因。对话中提到:Society demands that for app earance"s sake we stay together. They were afraid of losing face与之相符。

4.A . He would have enjoyed a happier life.

B . He would have tasted little bitterness of disagreement.

C . He would have been shifted around the country.

D . He would have had difficulty being promoted.

正确答案:He would have had difficulty being promoted.

题目详解:本题询问多年前一个在公司上班的男人离婚了会怎么样。对话中提到:The same was true in the corporate structure where divorced people rarely moved up the executive l adder.也就是升职的机会很小了,即答案选He would have had difficulty being promoted。



1.A . A notice by the electricity board.

B . Ads promoting electric appliances.

C . A new policy on pensioners" welfare.

D . The description of a thief in disguise.

提交的答案: Ads promoting electric appliances.

正确答案: Ads promoting electric appliances.


2.A . Showing them his ID.

B . Wearing an official uniform.

C . Speaking with a proper accent.

D . Making friends with them.

提交的答案: Making friends with them.

正确答案: Making friends with them.


3.A . To watch out for those from the electricity board.

B . Not to leave senior citizens alone at home.

C . To be on the alert when being followed.

D . Not to let anyone in without an appointment.

提交的答案:Not to let anyone in without an appointment.

正确答案:Not to let anyone in without an appointment.


4.A . All her money in the bank disappeared.

B . She was knocked down in the post office.

C . She was robbed near the parking lot.

D . The pension she had just drawn was stolen.

提交的答案:The pension she had just drawn was stolen.

正确答案:The pension she had just drawn was stolen.




1.A . The hotel clerk couldn"t find his reservation for that night.

B . The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience.

C . The hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name.

D . The hotel clerk insisted that he didn"t make any reservation.

提交的答案:The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. 正确答案:The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. 题目详解:

2.A . It was a busy season for holiday-makers.

B . A grand wedding was being held in the hotel.

C . There was a conference going on in the city.

D . The hotel was undergoing major repairs.

提交的答案:There was a conference going on in the city. 正确答案:There was a conference going on in the city. 题目详解:

3.A . It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels.

B . It was free of charge on weekends.

C . It was offered to frequent guests only.

D . It had a 15% discount on weekdays.

提交的答案:It was free of charge on weekends.

正确答案:It was free of charge on weekends.


4.A . Complain to the hotel manager.

B . Ask for an additional discount.

C . Demand compensation from the hotel.

D . Find a cheaper room in another hotel.

提交的答案:Complain to the hotel manager.

正确答案:Complain to the hotel manager.



1.A . She is afraid that she has lost it.

B . She has probably left it in a taxi.

C . She id going to get it the airport.

D . She has packed it in one of her bags.

提交的答案:She has packed it in one of her bags.

正确答案:She has packed it in one of her bags.


2.A . It will cost her a lot.

B . It ends in winter.

C . It depends on the weather.

D . It will last one week.

提交的答案:It will last one week.

正确答案:It will last one week.


3.A . There is a lot of stuff to pack.

B . The plane is taking off soon.

C . The taxi is waiting for them.

D . There might be a traffic jam.

提交的答案: The taxi is waiting for them.

正确答案:There might be a traffic jam.


4.A . In the man"s car.

B . At home.

C . At the airport.

D . By the side of a taxi.

提交的答案:At home.

正确答案:At home.




1.A . He prefers the smaller evening classes.

B . He finds the evening course cheaper.

C . He has signed up for a day course.

D . He has to work during the day.

提交的答案: He has signed up for a day course.

正确答案: He has signed up for a day course.


2.A . Learn data processing.

B . Learn a computer language.

C . Buy some computer software.

D . Buy a few coursebooks.

提交的答案: Buy a few coursebooks.

正确答案: Buy a few coursebooks.


3.A . Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.

B . Thursday evening, from 7:00 to 9:45.

C . From September 1 to New Year"s eve.

D . Three hours a week, 45 hours in total.

提交的答案:Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.

正确答案:Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.


4.A . Where to attend the class.

B . Whether he can use a check.

C . What to bring for registration.

D . How he can get to Frost Hall.

提交的答案:What to bring for registration.

正确答案:What to bring for registration.



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1.A . Sing a business contract.

B . Buy a tractor.

C . See a piece of property.

D . Fix a house.

提交的答案: Fix a house.

正确答案: Fix a house.


2.A . It is a small one with a two-bedroom house.

B . It is only forty miles form where they live.

C . It has a large garden with fresh vegetables.

D . It was a large garden with fresh vegetables.

提交的答案: It was a large garden with fresh vegetables.

正确答案: It was a large garden with fresh vegetables.


3.A . Growing potatoes will involve less labor.

B . Raising potatoes will be more profitable.

C . It may not be big enough for raising corn.

D . Its soil may not be very suitable for corn.

提交的答案: Its soil may not be very suitable for corn.

正确答案: Its soil may not be very suitable for corn.


4.A . Equipment

B . Profits

C . Finances

D . Labor






1.A . He can no longer work at sea.

B . He has not got the expected pension.

C . His past life upsets him a good deal.

D . His health is getting worse.

提交的答案:He can no longer work at sea.

正确答案:He can no longer work at sea.


2.A . She has been seriously ill for year.

B . She passed away years ago.

C . She used to work as a model.

D . She had been working at a clinic.

提交的答案:She passed away years ago.

正确答案:She passed away years ago.


3.A . She has made lots of money as a doctor.

B . She is going to take care of her old dad.

C . She is kind and generous by nature.

D . She has never got on with her father.

提交的答案:She has never got on with her father.

正确答案:She has never got on with her father.


4.A . He does not care about his appearance.

B . He is excellent but looks bad-tempered.

C . He dines out with his wife every weekend.

D . He is not quite popular with his patients.

提交的答案:He is excellent but looks bad-tempered.

正确答案:He is excellent but looks bad-tempered.



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1.A . It was about a little girl and her pet

B . It was about a little animal.

C . It took her six years to write.

D . It was adapted from a fairy tale.

提交的答案: It was adapted from a fairy tale.

正确答案: It was adapted from a fairy tale.


2.A . She knows how to write best-selling novels.

B . She is able to win enough support from publishers.

C . She can earn a lot of money by writing for adults.

D . She can make a living by doing what she likes.

提交的答案: She is able to win enough support from publishers.

正确答案: She is able to win enough support from publishers. 题目详解:

3.A . The readers.

B . Her ideas.

C . Her life experiences.

D . The characters.

提交的答案:Her ideas.

正确答案:Her ideas.


4.A . She doesn"t really know where they originated.

B . She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints.

C . They popped out of her childhood dreams.

D . They grew out of her long hours of thinking.

提交的答案:She doesn"t really know where they originated.

正确答案:She doesn"t really know where they originated.




1.A . He was trained as a nuclear engineer.

B . He was trained as an electronics engineer.

C . He was trained as a communication engineer.

D . He was trained as a mechanical engineer.

正确答案:He was trained as an electronics engineer.


2.A . Nuclear science.

B . Fishing and hunting.

C . Amateur radio.

D . He began to show great interest in natural beauty.

正确答案:Amateur radio.


3.A . His younger son.

B . His elder brother.

C . His younger brother.

D . An old friend of his.

正确答案:His younger brother.

题目详解:[听力原文]At sixteen, Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war.He wandered aimlessly from one country to another before finally settling do wn in Australia,where he trained as an electronics engineer, He established his own busi ness but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the question.His retireme nt suddenly made him realize how lonely he was and he decided to take up a hobby.With his interest in electronics, being an amateur radio operator seemed a natural choic e.He installed his own equipment and obtained a license and his call sign, which is the set of letters and numbers used to identify oneself when making radio contact with other amateur operators all over the world.Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far off p laces.One in particular was a man in California with whom he had much in common.One night the man in California happened to mention the village in Europe he had come from.Suddenly, Henry realized that this man was in fact his younger brother, Peter.At first, the two brothers were at a loss for words but then little by little they filled in the details of their past lives and not long afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to be reunited with his brother.



1.A . No more than 30 minutes.

B . Until he eats it.

C . At lease 30 minutes.

D . All day.

正确答案: All day..


2.A . A small one.

B . A young one.

C . An old one.

D . A big one.

正确答案:A big one.


3.A . Vigorous exercise.

B . Sun bathing.

C . A clean environment.

D . Proper feeding.

正确答案: Vigorous exercise.

题目详解:[听力原文] When you have a dog it is necessary to care for it very carefully.In return you will be loved by your dog.The most important part of dog-care is cleanli ness.Not only does the dog have to be kept clean, but his environment should also be clean.The bed he sleeps in can be made with anything like a rug or a dog mattress.Proper feeding is also important for your dog"s health.A dog should be fed in the same place and on a regular schedule.If your dog refuses to eat, don" t force him.Remove his food and don" t feed him again until his next regular feeding.Food should never be left before a dog for more than 30 minutes.One important thing that many dog owners forget is exercise for the dog.Vigorous exercise helps build strength and keeps the dog healthy.A regular walk at a fixed time of the day is enough to help a smaller dog live a healthier and happier life.Large dogs, though, require a nm in an open field.There are other things that are also important for a dog"s health -- things like bathing, care of t he teeth and nails, keeping them away from insects as much as possible.But if you obs erve the three main points covered above, your dog will give you a great mount of pleas ure.



1.A . Employees in small companies go lunch together more often.

B . Employees in big corporations make more friends.

C . Employees in small companies enjoy more activities.

D . Employees in big corporations enjoy more activities.

正确答案: Employees in small companies enjoy more activities.


2.A . You pay for yourself.

B . Your friends pay.

C . You pay half.

D . Your friends pay half.

正确答案: Your friends pay.


3.A . You should try to make friends with other people.

B . You should go to your friends" house more often.

C . You should work harder.

D . You should refuse to go to your colleagues" homes.

正确答案:You should try to make friends with other people.

题目详解:[听力原文] Social life in America varies tremendously from office to office.Bi g corporations may have dubs, sports teams, trips, dance classes, or other employee activit ies which you can join or not as you like, while small companies usually can" t afford th ese activities.In general, people go to lunch with each other by invitation when they fed like it.Usually people of higher ranks would invite those of lower ranks rather than th e other way around, but lines are not closely drawn.Except for special occasions, everyo ne pays for himself or herself regardless of whether or not an invitation is offered.It is quite acceptable for men and women colleagues, single or married, to go out together for lunch.This may be the extent to which your office friends will invite you.Although i n general Americans readily take people home with them, they often do not want to mix business and social life.If this is the case in your place of work, you will have to seek your friendships through other channels.

推荐访问:宁波 理工 英语听力
