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时间:2022-02-20 15:06:01 浏览量:





中图分类号:TV512 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0343-02


New Criterion and Management Mode of Supervise Applied in the Part of the Channel From Ji""nan to Dongping


MA Yi-jun,CHI Ming-chun,CHEN En-dian,YU Yi-pian


(KeYuan Construction Supervise Center of ShanDong,Ji""nan 250013,China)


Abstract:The application of the new specifications of the supervision and the new management style in Ji Ping Channel of South-to-North Transfer Project of Shandong Province are introduced in order to explain the promotion of the way and the method of the new specifications and some characteristics,merit and shortcomings of the new management style.It is divided into two parts.Inthe first part,it elaborated the application of the new specifications from the performance of the supervision procedure,the implementation of the supervision work system,the usage of the supervision work method and the promotion of supervision.As the same time,it also analyzed the crux and the key of the appplication,affirmed some characteristics of the specifications,such as the new applicability and the function etc.In the second part,it introduced the application of the new supervision management style from the applicability,the function,and the good maneuverabliity etc,affirmed the management style""s advantage,and also pointed out the existing shortage.


Key words:supervision;new specifications;new management mode;the channel from Ji""nan to Dongping









推荐访问:干渠 明春 南水北调 恩典 管理模式
