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时间:2022-02-22 15:16:09 浏览量:





中图分类号:TV68;TU992 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0235-03


Pumping Station Design and Construction""s Influence on the Installment Efficiency of the Unit


BAI Chuan-zhen1,REN Yu-bin2,WANG Yong-gang3


(1.Jiangsu Shuiyuan Co.,Ltd for the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project,Nanjing 210029,China;

2.Jiangsu Province Hydraulic Engineering Science and Technology Consultation limited Company,Nanjing 210029,China;

3.Jiangsu Province Total Channel Administrative Office,Huaian 223200,China)


Abstract:This paper is carrying out systems analysis on the runner type choosing,the main engine pump""s parameter determination,civil engineering and the characteristic of construction""s technologies and the unit condition to Baoying pump station in South-to-North Water Diversion.The purpose is to find out the major factors affecting pump station device""s efficiency,and to accumulate experiences for the similar pumping station construction.


Key words:pumping station;efficiency;design;manufacture;construction










推荐访问:泵站 南水北调 浅谈 机组 水利
